Install these levels into Wolfenstein using WolfEdit.
Here is a basic description of the 4 levels:
Level 1: Just a regular level I made.
Level 2: A boss level
Level 3: This level has just about everything in it. There is one door where after you open it you can kill a hallway full of enemies in seconds if you have the gatling gun.
Leve 4: This is my favorite level. You have to run away from many boss guys. You go through some rooms then enter a giant maze with dogs scattered about. You have to find the keys and get to the door before you run into one of the bosses.
note: This level is really boring if you cheat. Few can get by it without cheating.
There is a strange bug that makes some of the secret doors visible. But I'm sure you don't care. =)
If you would like 5 more Wolfenstein levels please support shareware by sending $5 along with your AOL screen name to:
Crasy Bob software
7987 Nutmeg Lane
Liverpool, NY 13090
I will send the 5 levels over E-mail.
(Please note in the letter if you have stuffit on your computer.) =)